Resolution 000068 of 2016, through which the request for exogenous tax information for the taxable year 2017 was made, has been modified four times, the last one, to extend the deadlines for reporting: some formats may be delivered until June 29, 2018.
Resolution 000068, by which the reporting of exogenous tax information for the taxable year 2017 was requested, was issued in October 2016. However, at that time, the Tax Reform Law 1819 of 2016 had not yet been issued, which changed important rules of the game in tax matters, which began to apply during 2017 and, therefore, made the request for exogenous information already prescribed not respond to the reality of the operations of Colombian organizations for that taxable year.
For this and other reasons, the Dian had to issue, subsequently, four more resolutions (Resolution 000022 of April 2017, Resolution 000042 of July 2017, Resolution 000050 of 2017 and Resolution 000016 of March 2018), with the intention of modifying the information request.
However, it was not until the last change, that of Resolution 000016 of 2018, that the Dian adjusted the request for information to address the most important problem of the requirement that had been made by Resolution 000068: the update to align with the Tax Reform Law.
“the Dian did not make all the changes we expected, but it did deliver new indications regarding the type of natural persons and illiquid successions that would deliver the reports of article 631 of the ET”
In this last resolution, the Dian did not make all the changes we expected, but it did deliver new indications regarding the type of individuals and illiquid successions that would deliver the reports of article 631 of the ET, those obliged to prepare the format 1001, the concepts to be used in the formats 1004, 1011 and 2275, and the deadlines for reporting the information. Regarding this last point, it is noteworthy that the Dian has postponed all deadlines, but has indicated special deadlines for certain formats. In this context, the new deadlines are as follows:
Reporters classified as large taxpayers.
According to article 5 of Resolution 000016 of 2018, large taxpayers make up the first group obliged to make the exogenous information reports for the taxable year 2017; the deadlines will be expiring according to the last digit of the NIT, as follows:
Other individuals and legal entities
The same article 5 of Resolution 000016, indicates the deadlines for individuals and legal entities that are not large taxpayers; the deadlines for reporting go from May 9 to June 7, according to the last two digits of the NIT, as follows:
Special deadlines
The new version of paragraph 3 of article 37 of Resolution 000068, indicates the extension of the deadline for reporting the following formats, until June 29, 2018:
–Format 1004 v.7: information on the values taken as tax discount that have been used in the 2017 income tax return.
–Format 1011 v.6: detail of other data of the income tax returns or income and wealth taxable year 2017.
–Form 2275 v.1: detail of third parties from whom gross income was obtained that could later be subtracted as non-taxable income.
Similarly, although the dates established do not respond to an extension of deadlines, but have been the same since the original resolution, the following formats have a special reporting deadline:
Until March 1, 2018, according to Article 35 of Resolution 000068, format 1028 must be delivered with the report of the National Registrar’s Office regarding identity documents and other data of Colombians who died during 2017.
Until June 29, 2018, according to article 36 and paragraph 2 of article 37 of Resolution 000068, shall be submitted:
–Format 1034 v.6: consolidated financial statement information.
– Format1035 v.6: information of domestic subordinated companies.
– Form1036 v.7: information of foreign subordinated companies.
– Form1476 v.9: properties on which property tax was collected.
– Form1480 v.9: vehicles on which vehicle tax was collected.
– Form1481 v.9: declarations of industry and commerce, and notices and boards for the taxable year 2017.
Source: Actualize